All posts by Nathan

About Nathan

Im a little baby, born on Monday 11th February 2008.

Flinders Rangers Trip – Day 6

We had pancakes for breakfast today. Mum, Dad, Toby and I went for a walk on the riverbed. There were lots of different coloured rocks. Toby and I collected some rocks to take home.

Today when I went to ride my bike I found that the back tyre was flat. Toby’s back tyre was also flat. Luckily we had a puncture repair kit, so we could fix the bikes. It took most of the morning. There were two punctures in my tyre, but only one in Toby’s.

We went for a little drive in the afternoon to have a look around.

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I built a stone tower with Dad

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A ruin

Flinders Rangers Trip – Day 5

I had porridge for breakfast, it was yummy. We packed up the camper and went and had a shower. We had to put money in to get hot water. The shower was in an old tin shed, but it was a really nice shower.

We drove a lot but not as much as the first day. We finally got to the Flinders Ranges National Park. We had to cross lots of rivers to get to our campsite. Some of the river beds were very rocky and we had to drive very slowly. On the way we saw a yellow-footed rock wallaby.

I think it is very nice up here. I can write on the stones and I have made lots of new friends.

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Writing my blog

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Flinders Rangers Trip – Day 3

After we packed up the camper trailer we went over the Murray River on the ferry.

We saw an old copper mine from a lookout in Burra.

We saw an old steam train in Peterborough. It was fun to climb on.

We are camped in the bush on a sheep farm near Peterborough. There are lots and lots of flies here.

We cooked our dinner on our camp fire and had toasted marshmellows.

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Playground at Morgan

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Copper mine

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Playing at being Venus Flytraps

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